1. Woah!? Really!!! *shocked* That’s awesome 😀 They are so cool looking!!!! Whaaa!? They smell good too!! They are awesome!!!!!!! ;D xD

        Liked by 1 person

          1. ((:
            Awwws!!!!!! Gee, I need to plant some of these wonderful plants!!! Hehe, now I’m pondering if they grow in the South… *thinks deeply*
            Ohhh!!! What do they smell like? 😀

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Um… honey, I am in the South. haha! 😛
              I believe they do grow in your neck of the woods… though not sure about your exact area.
              I don’t know how to describe it. It’s just a really sweet, pleasant smell. 😉

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Oh gee… I’m so sleepy… That’s what I’m gonna blame that comment on anyhow xP Haha
                Oohhh, gotcha!! *cheers* Gotta find some to plant now, eh? ;D Hehe
                Oh! That’s a good enough description for me 😀 Haha 😛

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