
February Ice – 1

I know it looks like snow, but it’s not.  This is the ice of winter beating spring back with a really big stick. 😦

Tuesday, Feb. 20

The temperature dropped from the 70’s to the 20’s with a real feel of about 10 degrees before the day was half over.  The freezing rain started and ice began to accumulate… then the sleet came… and kept coming.  It was a fun couple of days.  [*whispers*  Not really.] 😐

Ice Storm (re-post)

When I originally posted this photo back in 2012, I never dreamed that it and the following post (photos of snow) would be a couple of the most-viewed posts on this blog.  Little did I know that “snow in Oklahoma” and “does it snow in Oklahoma?” would be the search terms that seem to bring visitors to my blog year-round more than anything else!

I mean… really?  Who would have thought?

But– if that’s what folks are wondering about, let me assure you: yes, we do get snow and ice in Oklahoma.  How much?  Too much, in my opinion. 😛

I’ll share the snow photos tomorrow. 😉


See the original post here.